Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Varsity uniform

In case anyone was curious, yes, I do run. I am actually the captain of my cross country team. The outfit to the right is my varsity uniform. That makes 3 out of 4 years I have made varsity! Woohoo! I am so happy to be ending my high school career on this positive note. The "Nike" uniform is coveted  on the team and to be honored with one is a major accomplishment. It is nearing the end of my season and prepping for a bittersweet goodbye. This sport brought me many challenges, friendships, and victories. I will miss this uniform exponentially. For all it represents, for all the memories made in it. For all the times now in the past I had accomplished my goals. But, at the same time, this uniform will go to a girl just like me: young, ambitious, and fast. That's all I have to say on that. Snaps for me! And hope everyone has a nice day xoxo

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